For the last three years I have been in south america to spend my winter, escape from the cold in Europe.
I live 2 months in Buenos Aires, then the year after in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro and finally this year I was in Cali, Colombia.
Here is my personal to take list.
In my backpack, hand luggage
All the classics, headphones, tissues, little snacks, book/tablet with enough to stay busy, a power bank to keep all of this alive just in case. But also some clothes in my hand luggage (socks, underwear, t-shirt). That’s just in case my luggage doesn’t get at
In my checked luggage
To keep the stress away
A spare international bank card: yeah, I have a second
A second smartphone: same idea as with the card. I always keep my main number and phone at home. I go out with an old smartphone less catchy to the eyes. It’s a second-hand phone I bought on Amazon. If I lose it or if anything bad happens, it wouldn’t be a big loss.
As soon as I arrive in a new country for my long trip, I buy a new a local sim card I use in that phone. To be honest, it’s a bit slow sometimes but as long as I got internet, whatsapp, google maps, I am sorted.U
Every time I walk through baggage reclaim at an airport, I burst into tears. I’m case sensitive.
Save a bit of money
Most of you will find this silly but eh.
I take washing capsules. You might think, “why?” we can buy those anywhere. True, but those type of products, on my experience, are more expensive and for less good quality in South America. So I bring my own for a few weeks, just the amount I need. It’s more or less interesting depending on how long your trip is but it’s not super big in your suitcase (I am talking of a few capsule 3 in 1, not a one kilo pack).
In the same topic, cosmetic products for the length of my trip. Shower gel shampoo, etc. For the same reason, you will always find those where you go, but maybe not the brand you wish or usually for a higher price (it’s cheaper in UK on my experience again). Put them in a plastic bag and then in your shoes to save space.
To keep happy
A bit of food
Small objects or postcard to offer. During
We are all time traveller moving at 60 minutes per hour.
For the handy side
A water bottle 24 hours hot, 12 hours cold. Take one of 500ml or more. I got a Swell (Amazon) and I am so happy to have it when I travel. Or even at work…
A beach bag or light bag type drawstring. We always need a smaller bag that takes no space for a walk around, sport, etc.
Don’t forget the essentials
Flip flop, camera, a few Ibuprofens, sunscreen, hat,