The tip is not included in the bill in Peru. You can tip 5% or 10%. 10% seems more common, and if you are very happy with the service, go up to 15% and make someone happy.

What is typical for tipping for service in restaurants in Peru?
Tipping is optional. Peruvians don’t generally leave tips, this said you need to be aware a waiter is being paid a minimum salary of about 1000 soles in Peru. Definitely not enough to live in Lima. So tipping people in service industry and at restaurants is important. 10% of the bill as a tip is good.
Miraflores & San Isidro, Lima
In both those areas you might be asked if you want to leave a tip, it’s up to you.
Are you happy to leave a tip? Are you happy with the price you paid and the service you got? What does it cost you to leave a tip? There are no rules about tipping. Tip (or don’t) whatever you want.
Related: Where to eat out for cheap and where to buy groceries in Miraflores, Lima